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The little magazine for moms with little ones…

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Dear Moms…

“Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before.
~ Bonnie Blair, Olympic speed skater and five-time gold medalist

Watching the Olympics recently brought home an important fact of life: each participant has won in their own way and achieved the best they could possibly do,
even if they did not win a medal. And that is all we can do as moms – to give of our best to our families and know that we have fulfilled the highest calling.

It’s not always easy and often it’s either hugely frustrating or back-slappingly hilarious, but it pays to keep a sense of humour as we muddle along! 

Have a giggle as you read and identify with Claire’s story on taking kids shopping with you on page 6. Liz’s ruminations on spring and summer on page 22 will also make you chuckle.

More seriously, though, are our thoughts on keeping peace in the home on page 18, along with some helpful suggestions to achieve this.

Once again we invite you to try your hand at our delicious recipes in celebration of Heritage Day –
a selection of scrumptious, South African bread recipes from different cultures.

So here’s to loads of good reading, loads of fun with loads of love,
 Jenni & Carol  | September/October 2024 Edition

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