The consequence of choice

Tony Wake

With ‘modern’ life bombarding us with an endless supply of options,
decisions and choices, it’s no surprise that we have become desensitized to the endless bombardment of adverts and stimulation that is forced on us
in every aspect of our lives.

It’s EVERYWHERE; around every corner, on every app, in every store, every radio station, every movie and series we watch, every magazine we lay our eyes on… ADVERTISING!

To top it off, not only are we bombarded with the onslaught of stimulation in
‘modern’ society, but we are also forced to make those choices at the same alarmingly fast pace that we live our lives.

Yet so many of us are missing the effect that our fastpaced decisions have not
only on our own lives, but also on the lives of those near and dear to us, and even more so on the grander scheme of things, the world.


When things in life flow step by step and everything falls in place, there is a
sequence, an order to things that just seems to come naturally.

One thing leads to another and another and there seems to be little to no effort involved in allowing things to unfold. Many of us call this ‘being in flow’ or ‘being in the zone’.

When we are making hasty decisions, without considering the consequences of those decisions and actions, we are in fact stopping the flow and standing in our own way of growth and progress.

CON, after all, means “against”… CONtradiction, CONtrary, CONvict,

So what to do then, in our ‘modern’ world of fast-paced living, rash decision
making, and performancedriven societies? How do we set ourselves up to make better decisions, which result in better consequences and healthier

The answer is in the question.


When things in life flow step by step and everything falls in place, there is a
sequence, an order to things that just seems to come naturally.

One thing leads to another and another and there seems to be little to no effort involved in allowing things to unfold. Many of us call this ‘being in flow’ or ‘being in the zone’.

When we are making hasty decisions, without considering the consequences of those decisions and actions, we are in fact stopping the flow and standing in our own way of growth and progress.

CON, after all, means “against”… CONtradiction, CONtrary, CONvict,


So what to do then, in our ‘modern’ world of fast-paced living, rash decision
making, and performancedriven societies? How do we set ourselves up to make better decisions, which result in better consequences and healthier

The answer is in the question.


Keeping with the word-play and thus aiding in dedicating it to memory; to get better outcomes, make better DE-cisions. DE means to undo something: DEclare, DEmote, DEstroy.


CIDE has its roots in death: homoCIDE, genoCIDE, suiCIDE. So, to DE-CIDE, means to basically “un-kill” something. And what are we miraculously
digging up and resurrecting?

Well, the perspective of choice of course. Allow me to explain (and if you’ve read along this far, I salute you.)

Bear with me, it will all make sense in a moment.

When you are faced with a multitude of choices in life, NEVER take any rash or rushed action. Instead, look at all the OPTIONS (choices) available to you and literally KILL them all off in your mind. Wipe the slate clean until there are NO MORE options (choices) left.

Then, as you stand over the remains of what options you had, ask yourself “Are there any more options I haven’t thought of yet?” If there are any that come up – you guessed it – have them join the ranks of the deceased choices.

Once there are NO more options left, then you look over all the options that lay before you and choose ONE of those options that stand out. ONLY ONE

You DE-CIDE on that option, un-kill it, revive it, bring it back to life and then you follow through with it.

This removes the potential feeling of overwhelm of too many choices and you know then

that, after pulling a ‘Ted Bundy’ on the options that you had, there is now only ONE option left and that is the one you are going with.

No more buyer’s remorse. No more could-a-would-a-should-a. Just knowing that you looked at the options at your disposal, removed them all and decided on the one that stood out, in the moment.


Knowing and not doing is not really knowing at all. So now that you know you’ve put in the effort and made the decision, it’s time to take action and get feedback on your action. This forms part of the ‘OODA Loop’ strategy that we will be looking at next time.

For now… STOP, decide, take action, get feedback, and notice how much better results you get when you slow down and start trusting in your ability to choose better, when you actually take the time to make informed decisions.

Until next time, keep up the good work.
Tony Wake.


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