{ Famous Last Words }

Having a Baby is not Going

to Change my Life!

You have no idea how radically your life will change and we promise you, it is mostly for the better. It is worth every change, every tear and every wrinkle. It is one of those inexplicable things that you will just not understand until it happens to you.

While that little bundle of joy is growing inside you, you start to feel excited, protective, anxious, terrified and ecstatic all at the same time and that storm of emotion is literally the start of something that will not stop as long as you live. And, we are not even going to talk about the physical change, that is an entirely different conversation for another day.

Every day, for the rest of your life, you will love, nurture, protect, teach, provide for, encourage and feel responsible for that new little person. It is by far the greatest gift you will ever receive. But, that’s the joyful side of this picture, you will also have more frustration, exhaustion, pain and heartache than you have previously experienced. You will actually visualize yourself in prison orange at least two or three times in the next five years.

Therefore, I can confidently say, your life WILL change. It is simply impossible not to.

~ Your heart is just not big enough to contain the love you will feel ~

So here are some of the ‘slightly different’ things to look forward to:

  • If you thought that you had the capacity to love, you are about to find out that your heart almost wants to burst. It is just not big enough to contain the love you will feel. You have never loved anyone or anything so much. You just haven’t.
  • So, you think you know something about being proud? Just watch your little 4-year-old come almost stone last at sports day and realize that you are beaming with pride.
  • If you thought you were busy before, you are about to start wondering what you did with all the time you had. Your husband will come home one day and say, “What have you been doing all day?” and that will probably be the last thing he ever says.
  • Talk about time, if you plan to go anywhere, plan about two extra hours to get yourself ready. It is just not going to happen the way it did in the past. Perhaps you found making decisions easy in the past. This will change, every single decision you make from now on will involve the question – “How does this affect my child?”
  • If you love reading, watching movies or series, here comes another change, you are going to start watching your baby reach for a toy, smile at you, try to crawl or take his first step and this will become your favourite form of entertainment. Maybe it doesn’t sound so exhilarating now, but wait, you will see!
  • Sleep: noun ‘a condition of body and mind that
    typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended’…… something that will soon become a thing of the past! ….

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