
How Do I Motivate

my Child to Learn?

How can I help my child to develop the study skills he needs to achieve success — beyond the classroom as well? Try these strategies to help your child build solid study skills.

~ Create a special study space at home

It is important for your child to have his own desk or workspace in an area of your home that is conducive to focused studying. It should be well-lit and away from other distractions. Make it interesting and fun by keeping all sorts of helpful study supplies on hand – like colorful post-its, a variety of pens and pencils, highlighters, and scrap paper. Encourage your child to take ownership over the area by giving him freedom to decorate it, and teach him to tidy up and organise his desk every day.

~ Focus on your child’s interests

Learning becomes fun and children engage in it when areas and subjects of interest are used. If you really want to help your child to become a good learner, encourage him to explore topics and subjects that fascinate him. 

If he likes dinosaurs, help him find engaging and interesting books and stories about dinosaurs. Then challenge him to identify his five favourite dinosaurs and explain why he chose each one.

~ Introduce and encourage different learning styles

Every child has learning preferences and styles that are best suited to their way of learning. Some children have a dominant learning style, while others prefer to learn using a couple of learning styles together. By helping your child discover his preferred learning styles, you can use techniques that will improve his rate and quality learning. There are seven fundamental learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Verbal, Physical, Logical (mathematical), Social and Solitary. For example, children who are visual learners learn best by seeing how things work. Conversely, children who are auditory learners learn best by listening to things being explained. For young children, explore and try out lots of different types of learning styles.

~ Keep a planner

Organisation and time management is an important aspect of effective study skills. Ensure your child knows how to keep a homework planner. Let him write down important due dates for homework and projects, especially if his teacher makes these dates known far in advance.


~ Break down the content

Prepare for important tests by helping your child break down the content and make a schedule for reviewing the material in the days leading up to the test. Break down big projects the same way by making smaller milestones and a schedule for when they will need to complete each step. This makes his workload feel more manageable.

~ Take notes

Studies show that writing notes out by hand results in better retention than not taking…. 

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