
These feet were made for walking

  Follow my blog on – Liz Robbertze ©

I went for a pedi – the poor, poor therapist! In the feet department, I certainly wasn’t blessed – although I need to confess, I am not one of those who devotes too much time to my feet! I know it’s a shocker, there really is no excuse.

The funny thing though, I have the cheek to flaunt my pretty summer sandals each summer. I do paint my toes – but besides that not much effort is put into them – shame considering they carry this body of mine and so they do deserve more love and attention than they receive.

My poor therapist – she is the most amazing lady. I have been going to her for years, I dare not ask her, but I bet she books a therapy session after she has done my feet.

When I ring, she probably braces herself before answering, praying I will be asking for a mani or a facial! Anything but a pedi – but of course it is always for a pedi! What I tend to do, when I am not feeling comfortable – I talk, talk and talk some more! So not only is the poor woman trying to duck when she trims my nails – but she really wishes I would rather hone in on the calming music playing in the background than go on, jumping from this subject to that, and then back to this again.

And this all because I am hugely embarrassed at how truly ugly my feet are! So now I hear you asking yourself – “then why the heck does she leave her feet for so long”. Hhmm … what would my excuse be? Time is one and I suppose life itself another, because before you know it, its Friday again! So, sorry my dearest ‘beauty lady’ for the therapy session you are no doubt still recovering from! But before I go on, I do have to confess, I wasn’t born with the prettiest feet to start with.

So talking mani’s, pedi’s, massages, oh my word sadly for me BOTH a full body and facial – well don’t I talk the hind leg off a dinosaur never mind a donkey!

Bare-footed landmine lady
When it comes to a mani: totally different. Thanks to my blessed Mama bear, I have been blessed with perfectly, perfect nails. Now, I can hear you questioning yourself – “did she really just say that about herself?”

– and yip, I did. It’s amazing, I am not bragging now, but promise I am not lying when I say I get quite a few compliments about my nails. So, yes, I am fine with them and have no shame, no shame in flaunting them – now the feet, hmm not so much.

They need that “professional” assistance that only a beauty therapist can give them. I swear, if I had lived in the World Wars! The point I am trying to make with my feet is they could have let me walk ahead bare foot and be the ‘Landmine Lady’ in both world wars.

I would step on a landmine and these feet of mine would still be fine after the landmine exploded. I kid you not! Yes, I know, the poor, poor therapist, but hey, she does answer her phone when I phone her!

The crocodile-footed lady
I guess I really shouldn’t be sharing this with you but when it comes to the smoothing off the sole of your foot, my therapist has this sander, no I am NOT kidding, she has the handiest little sander that she uses on my feet. Funny she was telling me (so proof that I am not the only crocodile footed lady out there) that some ladies find it too ticklish so she doesn’t use it, probably their skin can use the Pumus (or whatever that stone thingy is called) that black stone thingy that you whoosh along the bottom of your feet!

So, once we’re finally done, she massages my feet. So the whole shenanigan is finished (she has booked herself a therapy session and my feet are perfectly perfect for a couple of weeks at least) and it’s time to put my sandals back on. Oh yes dear reader, is that not a challenge in itself? Slip sliding away! And then you cannot go straight home as you have errands.

You know in all the years I have never learnt to choose the easiest sandals to don and ones that don’t allow for the slip sliding episode. What about when she is trying to help you put your sandals back on without smudging the still wet nail polish on your gorgeous toes! Oh no wait a minute in my case, yes gorgeous fingernails but definitely not gorgeous toes – or toenails!!

And that dear reader is about it for this month. Stay safe, healthy and always be kind to you. Mwah mwah.

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