Who am I?

by Tony Wake

Finding yourself in the midst of a global identity crisis.

The age-old questions that most everyone has asked in their lifetime at least once, but many of us on numerous occasions: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”.

As a species we are created to be both physical as well as spiritual. We are, after all, “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps 139:14) in “the image of God” (Gen 1:27). So, is it any wonder then that we have experiences of confusion and uncertainty when it comes to who we are, where we belong and what our purpose is while we call this rock floating through space, our home?

To complicate matters even more; mainstream media, television, movies, popular culture and social ‘influencers’ are driving the narrative more and more towards a greater dissociation of identity and sowing more confusion as to who you ‘ought to’ be and how to rebel against what others are ”telling you to be”.

The nature of these statements is at best humorous, since these social engineering hypocrites are doing the exact thing that they are manipulating others to protest against.


The sad truth is that there are millions of our youth that are falling pray and victim to these manipulations and are losing their identity, only to adopt an identity that has been prescribed by mainstream media. Pushing them further and further into the hands of the world and away from their identity in Christ.

God says that we are His children, and that the world does not know us, because it does not know Him (1 John 3:1). So, how can the world even attempt to tell us who we ‘ought’ to be or ‘should’ be? How can those who are confused about their own identity even begin to tell others who they have to be? It’s akin to allowing those who should be locked up, to run the asylum.

Teenagers go into crisis when they do not know their weapon against the enemy. When they feel that they are defenseless in a world that is aiming to corrupt and manipulate them.

But when you teach them that God’s word is more than just words in a book, and that they have power, TRUE power, then you are teaching them how to battle against those things that try to attack their mind, which is where identity crisis begins.


We are guided to “set your mind on things above” (Col 3:2) and “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” (Phil 4:8)

The solution has been given more than 2000 years ago already. So why then, are we allowing the enemy – as Louie Giglio puts it – to have a seat at our table?

Why are we not teaching our children that they are sons and daughters of The Divine? That they have the same power that Jesus has; to rebuke the false prophets, renounce the false teachers, refuse the false narratives, and stand firm on the unshaking foundation of God’s Word.

The only reason that the enemy wants to sit at our table is because we have something that he does not; the presence of our Father, who loves us exceedingly more than we can fathom.


Where the mind goes, the body follows, and what we habitually do determines who we ultimately become. So, teach your children to continuously keep focusing on God, and invite Him to their table and have supper with Him. That is how we feed the soul and enlighten our spirit. Because only through knowing Him, can we ever truly know ourselves.

If you allow uninvited guests to sit and dine with you, those who are at your table will make it uncomfortable for others to join who are not of the same spirit and mind.“You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.” (1 Cor 10:21).


Who would you rather be known to be?
What are you feeding and what are you choosing to starve and die out?
Ultimately it remains your choice. Regards Tony

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