Confession Time

Confession Time

“If there was ever a moment when (without the deadliest judgement we all fear) I could confess all the deepest regrets I carry as a mom thus far, I would find it rather freeing to do so.”

The Real Christmas Story

The Real Christmas Story

Long ago, about 2000 years, God
sent the angel Gabriel to a young woman
who lived in the northern town of Nazareth.
The girl’s name was Mary…

The blooming tweenager

The blooming tweenager

“Hell hath no fury like a tweenager who wants to wear what she wants to wear but you won’t let her!” And this is possibly because it may threaten her co-existence with normal society. Quickly gone are the days of pretty bows and matching outfits, a “true” reflection of an excellent mother…

Mom you are the influencer

Mom you are the influencer

“Mom, you are the influencer!
I’d like to leave the same impression on others that I would want them to leave on me. This often takes me back to the drawing board, as it should! Nobody is naturally a breath of fresh air and an excellent example to follow. I have settled that it will take self-discipline, humility and a love for those around me to be a better me – to leave a lasting impression and to be an influencer worth following…”


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