4 Types of parenting

4 Types of parenting

“When it comes to parenting, there is a great deal of diversity among families. Cultural backgrounds have a major impact on how the family unit exists and how children are reared. Different cultural, ethnic, and spiritual ideologies, socio-economic status, and single-parent families are some of the factors that determine a variety of parenting styles among families. There are 4 types of parenting methods, what is your style?..”

Two by Two

Two by Two

“The one thing you can count on when you are expecting twins is that your home life is going to change drasti¬cally. Yip, your house will resemble a day care facility and you may never get to make your bed! Everything is doubled! But that goes for the trials and the joys of having multiples…”

The 3 R’s

The 3 R’s

“Teaching is one of those professions that seem to consume you, right from the moment that you stumble out of bed until you lay your head down at night. My last thoughts are those of lessons I intend to teach the following day and include fanciful images of pupils’ rapturous gazes as new nuggets of information are divulged to them. Their response to these can barely be contained, as they strain to stand up from behind their desks to catch my attention and ask for
“some more (knowledge), please…”

Create a Book Nook

Create a Book Nook

“Creating a cool space where your child can just hang out will make reading time so much more fun!…”

Being a parent is scary

Being a parent is scary

“Very few of us were ready to adult! One day we found that we had these precious human beings that were totally our responsibility for the rest of our lives, and to many of us it gets so overwhelming that we just feel as if we are falling apart. If you often feel as if you are failing as a parent, or simply wonder if there is a better or easier way to get through to your kids, read on, and remember you are not alone!…”


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