Confession Time

Confession Time

“If there was ever a moment when (without the deadliest judgement we all fear) I could confess all the deepest regrets I carry as a mom thus far, I would find it rather freeing to do so.”

The Real Christmas Story

The Real Christmas Story

Long ago, about 2000 years, God
sent the angel Gabriel to a young woman
who lived in the northern town of Nazareth.
The girl’s name was Mary…

The blooming tweenager

The blooming tweenager

“Hell hath no fury like a tweenager who wants to wear what she wants to wear but you won’t let her!” And this is possibly because it may threaten her co-existence with normal society. Quickly gone are the days of pretty bows and matching outfits, a “true” reflection of an excellent mother…

Spring Garden Activity

Spring Garden Activity

“Activity for the little ones
Help your little one to cut out the circles and place them in the correct spaces on the next page to make a beautiful spring garden…”


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