What to expect from my child

What to expect from my child

As a young mom, I was desperate to teach my children excellent values from almost as early as when they were still fetuses. Having very little wisdom to draw from my own experience, I desperately grasped onto legendary, society-changing, history-making quotes to try and shape my children’s morals. “Sharing is caring” …

The low-down anxiety & depression

The low-down anxiety & depression

“The low-down anxiety & depression
In today’s rushed, fast-paced and “always-on” world, chances are that either you have experienced anxiety and depression yourself, or you have borne witness to someone close to you who has…”

Mom you are the influencer

Mom you are the influencer

“Mom, you are the influencer!
I’d like to leave the same impression on others that I would want them to leave on me. This often takes me back to the drawing board, as it should! Nobody is naturally a breath of fresh air and an excellent example to follow. I have settled that it will take self-discipline, humility and a love for those around me to be a better me – to leave a lasting impression and to be an influencer worth following…”


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