Travel safe – car accident

Travel safe – car accident

“What to do when you’re in a car accident?
Until it actually happens to you, you may not be aware of how stressful it is to be involved in a road traffic accident, even if it is just a bumper-bashing. Being prepared by knowing what to do and what your rights are, will certainly relieve some of the stress…”

Raising Readers

Raising Readers

“One of the most precious times of the day has been that moment before bed when we get to connect with our kids. This time of the day was initially the most dangerous time of day – known as the (not so) ‘Happy Hour’. The hour of chaos as the kids get bathed and fed and one tries to run the en¬ergiser battery in said kid’s vocal-chords flat before bed. I would be screaming and shouting, burning the food… perhaps even bursting into tears from exhaustion most afternoons…”

Perfectly Edible

Perfectly Edible

“There are many beautiful flowers, indigenous and exotic, which are perfectly edible – in the true sense of the word! You may even have them
growing in your garden. Here is a short list of some of these beauties you can use to decorate your salads or add to your baking. They can even be added to your bath or tea. Edible flowers from your vegetable patch and herb garden give a more subtle flavour to food than the leaves. For example the leaves of basil, chives, lavender, mint, rosemary and thyme…”

Rewarding good behaviour

Rewarding good behaviour

“Many parents use rewards systems to help kids reach behavioural milestones. Rewards charts are positive reinforcement of good behaviour. Stressing positive behaviour helps build self-esteem and encourages children to repeat the rewarded behaviour…”

Fantastical fantasy

Fantastical fantasy

“I was watching a movie last night and the one-character states she will never allow her children to believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny as the disappointment would be too much when the children find out that’s all fantasy….”


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